Apa Yang Anda Dapatkan

informasi tentang masa-masa kehamilan anda, perkemabangan janin dalam tubuh anda. tumbuh kembang buah hati anda hingga berusia 3 tahun. hal-hal apa saja yang perlu anda perhatikan bagi anak anda. 3 tahun pertama kehiupan mereka akan menjadi masa-masa kritis yang menentukan masa depan mereka kelak.

Saya, Elka Anastasia

adalah seorang ibu dengan 3 putra berusia balita semua, ingin berbagi tentang masa kehamilan dan mengasuh ketiga 'jagoan' kecil saya. baik pengalaman pribadi maupun referensi yang saya dapatkan dari masa tumbuh kebang para 'jagoanku' di 3 tahun pertama kehidupan mereka. Semoga bermanfaat...

Oils in Bath Products May Enlarge Boys’ Breasts… Temporarily

BOSTON - Lavender and tea tree oils found in some shampoos, soaps and lotions can temporarily leave boys with enlarged breasts in rare cases, apparently by disrupting their hormonal balance, a preliminary study suggests.

While advising parents to consider the possible risk, several hormone experts emphasized that the problem appears to happen infrequently and clears up when the oils are no longer used. None of those interviewed called for a ban on sales.

The study reported on the condition, gynecomastia, in three boys ages 4, 7 and 10. They all went back to normal when they stopped using skin lotions, hair gel, shampoo or soap with the natural oils.

It’s unclear how often this problem might crop up in other young children.

Read the rest of the article at MSNBC.com.

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